Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

Kampus Teknologi Informasi

Salah satu Kampus Teknologi Informasi terbaik diJakrta adalah Universitas Budi Luhur dan salah satu fakultas yang diunggulkan adalah Fakultas Teknologi Informasi.

fakultas teknologi informasi Budi Luhur terdiri dari 3 program study yaitu:
  • Teknik Informatika (jenjang strata -1) Universitas Budi Luhur Terbagus Di Jakarta target dari program study diatas yaitu:
    1. Handal dalam penguasaan teknis analitikal berbasis komputer. 
    2. Memiliki keahlian dalam membangun aplikasi-aplikasi perangkat lunak dengan dasar ilmu komputer, jaringan komputer intranet maupun internet. 
    3.  Mampu mengikuti perkembangan teknologi informatika, memanfaatkan serta merekaya sa teknologi tersebut untuk diterapkan pada lingkungan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
    • Dan prospek pekerjaannya yaitu : 
      • Software Engineer,
      • Help desk Specialist,
      • Computer Operator,
      • Computer Scientist,
      • Programmer,
      • Systems Analyst,
      • Computer Consultant,
      • Database Administrator,
      • Network Administrator,
      • Desktop Publisher,
      • Web Developer ,
      • Manajer Sistem Informasi ,
      • Maupun jabatan-jabatan yang lain dalam bidang teknologi informasi.

  • Sistem Informasi (Strata -1) Universitas Budi Luhur Terbagus Di Jakarta target dari Program study diatas adalah: 
    1.  Mendidik calon sarjana di bidang teknologi informasi dengan pemberian bekal tentang prinsip, teknik dan alat-alat pengembangan sistem informasi berbasis komputer 
    2.  Menghasilkan sarjana siap terap yang mampu menganalisa dan menerjemahkan kebutuhan manajemen ke bentuk rancangan sistem informasi berbasis komputer 
    3.  Mendidik calon sarjana yang mempunyai sikap profesional dan etika profesi yang tinggi berdasarkan ketaqwaan terhadap Tuhan YME dan kecintaan terhadap tanah air dengan dilandasai budi pekerti luhur. 
    4.  Mendidik calon sarjana yang mempunyai wawasan dan menguasai pengetahuan teknologi informasi dan penggunaannya untuk membantu pelaksanaan manajemen dan proses bisnis. 
    5.  Mendidik calon sarjana yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengembangkan bidang ilmu/teknologi atau melanjutkan studinya.
    • Dan prospek pekerjaannya kelak: 
      • Manajer di bidang Teknologi Informasi (TI) 
      • Manajer proyek pengembangan sistem informasi 
      • Sistem analis 
      • Programmer 
      • Auditor Sistem Informasi 
      • Pengelola basis data (Database Administrator) 
      • Pengelola jaringan (Network Administrator) 
      • Pembuat dan pengelola situs (Web Designer  and Web Administrator) 
      • Staff Perpajakan
      • Semua bidang yang berkaitan dengan penyajian informasi dengan alat bantu komputer.

  • Sistem Komputer (jenjang strata-1) Universitas Budi Luhur Terbagus Di Jakarta Target program studynya adalah: 
    1.  Menjadikan program studi sistem komputer menjadi leader untuk pendidikan sistem komputer di Indonesia. 
    2. Menjadikan program studi sebagai pusat penelitian dan pengembangan untuk teknologi automasi industri dan Information and Communication technology 
    3. Menjadikan laboratorium dilingkungan program studi sistem komputer sebagai menjadi pusat pelatihan dan pendidikan bagi tenaga-tenaga kerja dari dunia industri yang telah memanfaatkan teknologi automasi industri dan Information and Communication technology. 
    4. Menjadikan laboratorium dilingkungan program studi sistem komputer sebagai pusat pelayanan hardware maupun software bagi dunia industri yang telah memanfaatkan teknologi automasi industri dan Information and Communication technology.
    •  prospek pekerjaannya :
      • System Engineer 
      • Network Designer 
      • Computer Specialis 
      • Riset and Development Engineer 
      • Pengajar dibidang Sistem Komputer

itulah beberapa gambaran tentang Universitas Budi Luhur yang termasuk dalam salah satu Universitas Terbagus di Jakarta,jadi mulai sekarang tentukan pilihan anda.!

Universitas Terbaik Jakarta

Universitas Budi Luhur

UBL terkenal sebagai Kampus teknologi informasi swasta yang terletak di Jakarta dan memiliki motto sebagai berikut:

cerdas berbudi luhur adalah dua hal yang tidak terpisahkan, kecerdasan tanpa dilandasi budi luhur akan cenderung digunakan untuk membodohi dan mencelakakan orang lain, sebaliknya budi luhur tanpa diimbangi kecerdasan akan merupakan sasaran kejahatan dan penindasan orang lain.

Drs. Djaetun H.S
(Pendiri Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur)

Kampus Komputer berpusat di daerah Ciledug, Jakarta Selatan dan sudah berdiri sejak 1 April 1979 di daerah Jakarta Pusat.
Selain Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, terdapat juga fakultas ekonomi, fakultas ilmu politik dan politik, fakultas teknik, fakultas arsitektur, fakultas ilmu komunikasi dan Akademi sekretari. Bagi yang mau melanjutkan studinya setelah S1, mereka bisa mengikuti program pasca sajarna. Mau kuliah sambil bekerja? Kenapa tidak. UBL menyediakan program extension atau executive. Dan bagi yang lebih tertarik dengan dunia pengambilan gambar, mereka bisa ikut sekolah broadcast.
Dengan beragam-nya fakultas yang berada di kampus, beragam pula fasilitas dan layanan yang ada di UBL dari event, gedung kuliah, gedung pertemuan, kantin, lab arsitektur, lab komputer, lab teknik, tempat parkir, perpustakaan, ruang theater, sarana olahraga, student lounge, dan yang paling diminati… Wifi Area.


Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

Genre Music Dangdut

Dangdut is one of the musical genre that developed in Indonesia. This musical form rooted in the Malay music in the 1940s. In the evolution to contemporary forms are now entering the influence of Indian music elements (mainly from the use of tabla) and Arabic (on crooked and harmonization). Changes in Indonesia's political currents at the end of the 1960s the influence of western music opens strong with the inclusion of the use of electric guitars and also a form of marketing. Since the 1970's dangdut be said to have matured in a contemporary form. In popular music, dangdut very open to influences of other musical forms, ranging from keroncong, style, gamelan, harp, rock, pop, and even house music.
The mention of the name "dangdut" is onomatopoeic of the sound of tabla game (in the world of drum called dangdut only) and is dominated by the distinctive sound of sword and ndut. The name is actually a cynical title in an article in the early 1970s to form malay music is very popular among the working class at that time.
Examples of people who use dangdut Genre:
Rhoma Irama

Genre World Music

World music is a general term for a category of global music, such as the traditional music or folk music of a culture that is created and played by indigenous musicians and is closely associated with the music of their native region. This genre usually contains folk songs are very long, for example Approximately 0-800 AD even before Christ
Examples of people who use the genre World: Aeson

Genre Music Techno

Techno is a genre of music that uses flow futuristic theme. Techno music is also used in the Club-Club night and the music is usually played by a DJ. This music is not played with traditional musical instruments like drum, guitar, Sasando, etc.. He uses instruments like Dj Maker Digital commonly used for his remixes of existing music into futuristic-themed music.
Examples of people who use Techno Genre: 
Daft Punk

Genre Music RAP

Rap is one of the elements of hip-hop music. Rap is a vocal technique that speaks quickly, while the culprit is called rapper. Typically, rap accompanied by a DJ or a band.
Typically, rappers like ordinary singer, singing the solo. Examples include Xzibit and Jay-Z. There is also a rapper who became members of the band, for example, Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park. Generally, black rapper because many rappers come from the suburbs. Among the few white rappers are Eminem and Sean Paul. Rapper often called the MC (Master of Ceremony).
Examples of people who use the genre Rap: 
Igor Saykoji

Genre Music J-Pop

J-pop adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk musik populer Jepang yang memasuki arus utama musik Jepang pada tahun 1990-an. Istilah J-pop digunakan untuk membedakannya dari enka dan musik rakyat min’yo. “J-pop” modern berakar dari musik tahun 1960-an seperti yang dimainkan The Beatles,dan menggantikan kayokyoku (musik pop Jepang hingga 1980-an) dalam dunia musik Jepang. Istilah J-pop diciptakan media massa Jepang untuk membedakannya dari musik asing, dan sekarang merujuk kepada hampir semua musik populer di Jepang. Menurut data tahun 2006 dari International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, industri musik Jepang memiliki industri musik terbesar nomor dua di dunia, dan hanya berada di bawah Amerika Serikat.
Contoh kelompok yang menggunakan Genre J-Pop : 

Genre Music Death Metal

Death metal adalah sebuah sub-genre dari musik heavy metal yang berkembang dari thrash metal pada awal 1980-an. Beberapa ciri khasnya adalah lirik lagu yang bertemakan kekerasan atau kematian, ritme gitar rendah (downtuned rhythm guitars), perkusi yang cepat, dan intensitas dinamis. Vokal biasanya dinyanyikan dengan gerutuan (death grunt) atau geraman maut (death growl). Teknik menyanyi seperti ini juga sering disebut “Cookie Monster vocals”.
Contoh Band yang menggunakan Genre Death Metal : 
The Berzerker

Genre Music New Ages

New Ages Music is a music school that is able to provide a one of the following experiences: positive, relaxation, inspiration, comfortable, spirit, there is an element of culture
therefore it is not surprising that we could love a new music ages with the same language we do not understand at all, or a song that has been created beratus2 years ago that might just dicipakan with music instrument and vocal pickup
Music is an expression of the soul.
Perhaps you've heard the new song ages must have been able to understand why you love this music.
Examples of people who use New Age Genre :

Paul Schwartz

Genre Music R&B

R & B is a genre of popular music that combines jazz, gospel, and blues, which was first introduced by African-American musicians. In 1948, RCA Victor record company marketing the music of blacks called the Blues and Rhythm. In the same year, Louis Jordan dominated the top five R & B charts with three songs, and two of the song based on the rhythm of the boogie-woogie fame in the 1940's. Jordan Band, Tympany Five (1938) consisted of himself as a vocalist and saxophonist with other musicians as trumpeter, tenor sax, piano, bass, and drum.Istilah was first used as a marketing term in music in the United States in 1947 by Jerry Wexler who worked at Billboard magazine. This term replaces the term race music and the Billboard category Harlem Hit Parade in June 1949. In 1948, RCA Victor marketing black music under the name Blues and Rhythm. The phrase is reversed by Wexler at Atlantic Records, the record company that leads the field of R & B in the early years.
Examples of people who use the genre of R & B: 
Justin Timberlake

Genre Music J-Rock

J-Rock or Japanese rock is used to refer to the genre of rock music in Japan.
             The flow of J-Rock music became popular in Indonesia thanks to the popularity of anime aired on TV with the theme song (soundtrack) brought singers and music groups Jepang.Sejarah J-Rock began in 1957 with familiar rock music in Japan in conjunction with the peak popularity of rockabilly which is one a style of rock 'n' roll.
              Rockabilly started at various jazz clubs gave birth to rockabilly singers like Mickey Curtis, Masaaki Hirao, and Keijiro Yamashita. In February 1958, the trio performed a concert Westan Kanibaru I (Western Carnival I) at the theater named Nihon Gekijo, Tokyo.
At the end of the decade of the 1950s, rockabilly popularity began to recede replaced Kaba era Popsu (cover pops) which consists of different types of music. Among the figures cover pops are musicians like Yuya Uchida and Isao Bito rooted in rockabilly genre. In addition, the cover pops with style Liverpool Sound birth followed by popularity musical groups like the Beatles around 1963.
Example Band Who uses J-rock genre:  


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This link from (stafaband.info),
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Thank's for the download...

Guitar Chord All Music

Guitar chord new songs...
This a Link from (chord frenzy.com),
Here are the initials of the name of the band or singer ...
  1. a
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  26. z

Genre Music Country


Country influenced by the blues, and the growing of white American culture, especially in the city of Nashville. Some of the early country artist Merle Haggard was and Buck Owens.

1. Merle Haggard


2. Buck Owens

and many more Country Music Legend

Genre Music Funk


Funk is a generic term for a variety of first African-American music has been developed in the late 1960s from the effects of the various Soul, Rhythm and Blues and Jazz, and has established a change of musical styles such as disco, hip-hop, hard rock or partially affected. Significant features of the style of the original radio is a repetitive, unlike other more R & B style of "a" firm base rhythm, syncopated bass lines and horn accents and rhythms in interaction with soul vocals. Often the act of singing but also more percussive than melodic.

1. Parliament-Funkadelic


2. Sly and the Family Stone

and many other music legends Funk

Genre Music Hip - Hop

Hip hop music can be considered a sub-genre of R & B. Starting in the early 1970s and 1980s, the music was originally developed in the U.S. east coast, called East Coast hip hop. In about 1992, hip hop music from the west coast also became famous by the name of West Coast hip hop. This kind of music is also mixed with heavy metal rapcore produce.

1. The Fat Boy


and many other music legends Ska, Reggae, etc.

Genre Music Reggae

From the combination of R & B music and the traditional music of Jamaican mento ska emerged, and later developed into reggae and etc.

1.Bob Marlet

2. Osbourne Ruddock

 and many other music legends Ska, Reggae, etc.

Genre Music Blues

Blues comes from the Afro-American community that evolved from West African music. This species is then influenced many genres of pop music, including ragtime, jazz, big band, rhythm and blues, rock and roll, country, and pop music.

1. W. C. Handy (1873-1958), "Father of the Blues"


2. Bessie Smith (1894-1937)

3. Jimi Hendrik (27 november 1942-18 September 1970)

4. Eric Clapton, (born in 1945)

and many more Blues Legend

Genre Music Pop

Pop music is a genre of important but the boundaries are often blurred, as many pop musicians also added to the category of rock, hip hop, country, etc..

1. koes Plus


2. ST 12 (Pioneers Pop Melayu in Indonesia)

proved very difficult to find Pure Pop music pioneer, perhaps because Pop singer entered also into other musical categories

I include some of the pioneers of Indonesian pop music, probably one of the complainant was not in love by friends including me

Genre Music Jazz

Jazz is the kind of music that grew out of the merger of blues, ragtime, and European music, particularly band music. Several subgenres are Dixieland jazz, swing, bebop, hard bop, cool jazz, free jazz, jazz fusion, smooth jazz, and CafJazz.

1. George Shearing (1919 - present)


2. Count Basie (1904 - 1984)

3. Chick Corea (1941 - present)

Genre Music Rock

Rock, in the broadest sense, covering almost all popular music since the early 1950s. Its earliest form, rock and roll, is a fusion of different genres in the late 1940s, with musicians such as Chuck Berry, Bill Haley, Buddy Holly, and Elvis Presley. It is then heard by people all over the world, and in the mid-1960s several British bands such as The Beatles, began to imitate and become popular.

Rock music evolved into psychedelic rock, progressive rock became. Some British bands like The Yardbirds and The Who later evolved into hard rock, and then became heavy metal. The late 1970s punk rock music began to grow, with groups such as The Clash, The Ramones, and the Sex Pistols. In the 1980s, rock developed steadily, especially evolved into hardcore metal, thrash metal, glam metal, death metal, black metal and grindcore

1. Elvis Presley


2. The Beatles

3. Sex Pistols

4. Avenged Sevenfold

and many other rock legends.

Genre Music Classic

Classical music usually refers to European classical music, but sometimes also in Persian classical music, India, and others. European classical music itself consists of several periods, such as baroque, classical, and romantic.

Classical music is a broad term that usually refers to music made in or rooted in the traditions of Western art, Christian music, and orchestral music, covers the period from about the 9th century to the 21st century.

1. Beethoven


2. Johann Pachelbel

3. Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin

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